Students’ Spelling Errors at the University Level: A Case Study in Bangladesh

Keywords: Auto-correction, Writing, Omission, Substitution, Insertion, Transposition


This study aims to find out why students spell incorrectly at the university level in Bangladesh. To discover the causes this study has followed two research questions regarding the possible reasons behind making spelling errors and the learners’ attitude towards spelling errors. A few previous pieces of research have already been done on this ground focusing on learners’ spelling errors, but they have hardly been focused specifically on university students. This research paper uses a quantitative method. In this study, one hundred and forty-seven university students participated in questionnaire surveys. This paper reveals the spelling errors, which Bangladeshi students make, are due to a variety of factors, including the education system, the influence of modern technology on students’ learning, and social media usage. It is suggested that Teacher’s awareness and avoidance of modern tools would be a possible solution to the spelling problem.

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How to Cite
Rahman Babu, M. M., & Arube, F. (2022). Students’ Spelling Errors at the University Level: A Case Study in Bangladesh. Shanlax International Journal of English, 11(1), 37-46.