Climate Advocacy in “Ice Age”: A Cinematic Journey towards Environmental Consciousness

  • W Abraham Selvakumar Assistant Professor of English, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy
Keywords: Ice Age, Climate Advocacy, Environmental Consciousness, Animated Films, Storytelling, Climate Change


The comedy plot and lovable characters of the animated film series “Ice Age” have captured the attention of viewers all over the world. Beneath its pleasant exterior, though, is a potent story that quietly promotes environmental care and climate action. This essay investigates the thematic components of climate advocacy found in the “Ice Age” films, looking at how they encourage action and increase public awareness of urgent environmental challenges. This study examines the film’s impact on promoting a better awareness of climate change and the significance of collective action in protecting the future of our world. It does this through analyzing important plot points, character dynamics, and visual symbolism.

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How to Cite
Abraham Selvakumar, W. (2024). Climate Advocacy in “Ice Age”: A Cinematic Journey towards Environmental Consciousness. Shanlax International Journal of English, 12(S1-Feb), 81-82.