Corporate Sustainability Practices and Supply Chain Management Performance of Bahraini Companies: An Initial Survey

  • Randolf Von N. Salindo Assistant Professor, Sur University College, Sur, Sultanate of Oman
  • Saed Adnan Mustafa Sur University College, Sur, Sultanate of Oman
Keywords: Green Performance, Renewable packaging, Green Procurement, Recyclable materials, Corporate Social Responsibility, Integrating sustainability


Owing to the relatively small area and the decreasing natural resources of the Kingdom of Bahrain, businesses are searching for supply chains that are both sustainable and Greenly friendly. This study was conducted to determine the level of implementation of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices and the effect of these SSCM activities on the efficiency of supply chain companies in Bahrain. Bahraini companies are adopting two classes of SSCM practices: Renewable Packaging and Green Procurement. Five key components that make up the overall SSCM performance of the respondent firms were identified: Operational Performance, Efficiency, Green Performance; Corporate Social Responsibility; and Socio-economic Performance. The use of recyclable materials as packaging and the option of using only items that are safe at their end-of-life have a direct, positive and more importantly, significant impact on operational efficiency. Sustainable SSCM practices of Bahraini firms have a positive and significant impact on their sustainable supply chain efficiency.

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How to Cite
N. Salindo, R. V., & Adnan Mustafa, S. (2020). Corporate Sustainability Practices and Supply Chain Management Performance of Bahraini Companies: An Initial Survey. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 7(4), 1-10.