Ethics in Administartion in “Silappathigaram”:A Contemporary Prespectives from Classical Literature

  • C Swaminathan Former Vice Chancellor of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India


This evaluative study was based on old and new literatures taken from east and west, a unique attempt made by the researcher. Contemporary management perspectives were analysed and revealed that the thoughts of similar kind were well found in very old Kapiyam literature of Tamil society in India. In Tamil Nadu, even in 2nd B.C it had a well-developed administration system whereas during the same period the other part of the world was nascent in their administrative capabilities. The researcher made a humble attempt to extract administrative thoughts written in a Tamil Kapiyam “Silapathigaram” a classical Tamil literary work dated back to 100-300 A.D. an epic written on Kannagi, a legendary Tamil woman who forms its central character. On some aspects, an attempt has been made to include a comparison with modern management thought. It is a qualitative work, done with scholarly attitude.

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How to Cite
Swaminathan, C. (2017). Ethics in Administartion in “Silappathigaram”:A Contemporary Prespectives from Classical Literature. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(2), 1-6. Retrieved from