A Study on Work-Life Balance among Women Married College Teachers in Trichy District

  • S Kalpana Ph. D., Research Scholar in Management, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  • S DhineshBabu Vol. 3 No. 2 October 2015 ISSN: 2321 – 46433Shanlax International Journal of Management 57 A STUDY ON WORK-LIFE BALANCE AMONG WOMEN MARRIED COLLEGE TEACHERS IN TRICHY DISTRICT S.Kalpana Ph. D., Research Scholar in Management, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Dr.S.DhineshBabu Research Supervisor, Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: Pearson Correlation, Quality of work life, Research, WLB


Indian families are undergoing rapid changes due to the increased pace of urbanization and modernization. Indian women belonging to all classes have entered into paid occupations. At the present time, Indian women's exposure to educational opportunities is substantially higher than it was some decades ago, especially in the urban setting. This has opened new vistas, increased awareness and raised aspirations of personal growth. This, along with economic pressure, has been instrumental in influencing women's decision to enter the work force. Most studies of employed married women in India have reported economic need as being the primary reason given for working.

A metamorphic change is occurring all over the world with the advent of Information Technology. Information Technology revolution not only increases the employment opportunities and GDP of a country, but also contributes to a cultural transformation and social revolution. The Indian women, who were mostly found in a socially acceptable employment like teaching, nursing, banking, etc. in the last decade, are diverted now and actively participate in the Information Technology revolution. It has become a common phenomenon that majority of the employees, especially the knowledge workers, are working harder and longer ever before. As a consequence, they find it difficult to achieve work life balance. This new information technology profession with a good pay, night shifts, cultural and social change has brought work life imbalance among the women employees in Information Technology Industry. This study is based on an empirical investigation conducted among women employees from leading Information Technology Companies.

Work life and personal life are inter-connected and interdependent. Spending more time in office, dealing with students and the pressures of job can affect the personal life, sometimes making it impossible to even complete the household chores. On the other hand, personal life can also be demanding if one has a kid or aging parents, financial problems or even problems in the life of a dear relative. It can lead to Absenteeism from work, creating stress and lack of concentration at work. Work-personal life conflict occurs when the burden, obligations and responsibilities of work and family roles become incompatible.

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