Training and Development in Hotel Industry

  • S Prasanth Research Scholar, General Manager, Daspalla hotels ltd, Suryabagh, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Keywords: Training and Development, Training Programmes, Hotel industry


It is an exploratory study based on literature review, on training programs within the hotel industry. The information gathered and discerned in this paper will explore the training needs of the employees in hotel industry and will give an insight on effectiveness of training and development in hotel industry. Since all employees need training and development no matter what industry they are in, other industries’ insights may offer new perspectives to the hotel industry. Another constraint inthis paper is the term training to encompass both training and development. Training is the activities that are designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs whereas development is the learning that goes beyond today’s job and has a more long-term focus. Although training and development usually go hand in hand, they differ in that training can be done by all staff, whereas development is usually undertaken by the trainee’s supervisors or managers. Training also tends to be more specific while development looks more at the long-term professional goals. The trainer will teach specific skills and knowledge to the trainee in order to obtain specific goals for their present position. During the development process, staff will meet withtheir supervisor and or manager to discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and how to improve work performances to help expand and broaden their current career path.

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