Customer Satisfaction in Modern Retail Sectors

  • S Ramanath, M.Phil., Ph.D, Associate Professor, P.G. Research Department of commerce, National College (Autonomous), Trichy
  • G Ravi Shankar M.B.A,, M.Phil (Ph.D), Assistant Professor, P.G. Department of Commerce, M.I.E.T. Arts & Science College, Trichy
Keywords: Area of Residence, Purchase & regular purchase, Earning members of family, duration of purchase


Customer relationship management is the emerging sub-discipline of marketing. The business goals revolves around retaining existing customers, differentiating customers and offerings, maximizing customer lifetime values by exploiting full potential of cross selling and up selling strategies, increasing personal touch with communication and loyalty achieving higher revenues per customer. In an era of increasing disposable income, surplus of choices of goods and services with multiplier effects of globalization and most importantly customer-friendly credit policies enforce consumers always search for better and newer options. The retail sector in India is witnessing a huge revamping exercise as traditional markets make way for new formats such as department mental stores hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores. Consumers are now seeking the convince of one-stop shopping, speedy and efficient processing, for best Consumers are also on the look-out for more information, better quality and s increased customer service. Retailing today is not only about selling at the shop but also about surveying the market offering choices and experience to customer at competitive prices and retaining them as well.

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How to Cite
Ramanath, S., & Ravi Shankar, G. (2014). Customer Satisfaction in Modern Retail Sectors. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(3), 15-23. Retrieved from