Industrial Downturn Hampering Production Oriented Small Scale Industries of Tamil Nadu-A Study

  • O M Haja Mohideen Research supervisor & Head, Department of Business Administration, Khadir Mohideen college, Adirampattinam, Tamil Nadu, India
  • J Vijayavel Research Scholar in management, Department of Business Administration, Khadir Mohideen college, Adirampattinam
Keywords: Agriculture, un employment problems, govt role in providing employment opportunities, the role of DIC’s, generic problems of SSI units, problems of production oriented industries, solutions


The problem in the front of industry has it’s genesis in agriculture as industry and agriculture are intertwined in our economy. To absorb unemployment and underemployment prevailing in agriculture,the industry is complementing by way creating employment in industrial sector. Still, it is ailing in many respects. It is strongly believed that aiding/supporting industries of different genre especially one’s related to production will go a long way in checking downward pattern in growth.

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How to Cite
Haja Mohideen, O. M., & Vijayavel, J. (2014). Industrial Downturn Hampering Production Oriented Small Scale Industries of Tamil Nadu-A Study. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(3), 68-74. Retrieved from