Theoretical Framework of Emotional intelligence in Managing Stress among Healthcare Employees

  • V Kumaravel Research Guide, Director, Commerce & Management Studies, Vivekanantha Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Tiruchengode
  • N Poornima Research Scholar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: healthcare, human resource, emotional labour, stress, burnt- out, emotional intelligence, work environment


Healthcare is one of the largest sectors of India. This sector consists both private and public management. Like any other sector healthcare involves major human resources on the side of employees as well “customers” here it is termed as “patients”. These kinds of employee- customer direct interaction is termed as emotional labour industries. Sectors like hotels, tourism, television actors and hospitals are majorly involving “emotional labours” for serving to the nation in a better way. Emotional labour is the labour involved in dealing with other people’s feelings, a core component of regulation of emotions. Now a days as the facilities in medical and hospitality department are increased as well as job stress and emotional turmoil is also increased. On the other side, population ratio is kept on increasing. All these together forces an employee of healthcare to be on the hot seat of their work environment. These kind of work environment leads to job stress and burnt-out. Hence, it is important to find out sources of job stress and various techniques for overcoming job stress in an emotionally intelligent way.

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How to Cite
Kumaravel, V., & Poornima, N. (2013). Theoretical Framework of Emotional intelligence in Managing Stress among Healthcare Employees. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(2), 56-64. Retrieved from