Impact of Risk-Taking Attitude and Need for Achievement on Women Entrepreneurs Success

  • K Harshitha Research Scholar- School of Management, CMR University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • HL Chidananda Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Commerce, CMR University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • Divya Thankom Varghese Assistant Professor, School of Management, CMR University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Women Entrepreneurship, Success, Risk Taking Attitude, Need for Achievement


Entrepreneurship is seen as a crucial component of financial dynamism and actively contributes to a nation’s financial development, the creation of jobs, and the advancement of its economic development. This examines the impact of risk-taking attitude and need for achievement on women entrepreneurs’ success. The results confirmed thatrisk taking attitude and need for motivationsignificantly facilitates the women entrepreneur’s success

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How to Cite
Harshitha, K., Chidananda, H., & Varghese, D. (2023). Impact of Risk-Taking Attitude and Need for Achievement on Women Entrepreneurs Success. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(1), 23-27.