Fund Utilization Pattern Under Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme in Salem District

  • N. Rajasekaran Guest Lecturer, Department of Economics, Government Arts and Science College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K. Baladhandayutham Assistant Professor of Economics, Sona College of Arts and Science, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Rural Development Initiatives, MPLADS, High Mass Light, Renewal BT Road, Borewell, Mini Tank


The Indian government initiated a number of rural development initiatives, such as providing enough infrastructure and road amenities, safeguarding public health, empowering women, raising living standards, etc. The Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS), one of the initiatives, was inaugurated on December 23, 1993. It was governed by the Ministry of Rural Development until December 1994, when it was reassigned to the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. Examining the fund utilization pattern in the study area is the main goal of the current study. Studying the economic circumstances of the sample respondents in the research area is the second objective. Moreover, to gauge how satisfied the sample respondents were with the subject of the study. The research reveals that the sample respondents had poor lack of knowledge above field level observation. There is no question that the public and MPs have a poor connection as discussed above. At the same time, it was demonstrated how fully utilizing MPLADS monies has a good influence (directly and indirectly) in numerous locations.

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How to Cite
Rajasekaran, N., & Baladhandayutham, K. (2023). Fund Utilization Pattern Under Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme in Salem District. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(2), 39-45.