Skill …Skill… Which Skill do I Acquire? ---Skills Requirement for the BANI Environment---

  • P. Gowri Kusuma Assistant Professor, Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • K.S.R. Sarma Assistant Professor, Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Keywords: Skills, Up-skill, Re-Skill, KSA, Information Era, Innovation Era, BANI, Future Workplaces, Gig Workers


We are moving from the information era to innovation era. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA) are the core for every employee to accomplish the organizational goals during this era. This paper is an exploratory study aimed at identifying the ‘SKILLS’ requirement to meet new-age challenges, and to assess the role of Higher Educational Institutions in imparting those SKILLS. Secondary data is collected through various reports and research works to list out the skills required by the millennials. According to World Skill Council, problem solving, self-management, working with people, technology use and development are some of the Skills among the top Skills of 2025. The emphasis is on the emerging Skills requirement, as the very basic nature of work and meaning of workplace is in transition stage. The rules of the game have changed. The below three questions will provide an insight on the changing workplace scenario. (i) Who does the work? Work could be done by full time or part time employees, gig workers or crowd sourcing. (ii) How the work is done? – Work can be accomplished by using AI, robotics and automation. (iii) When and where work is done? – Work places are no longer traditional brick and mortar settings. They could be fluid work schedules, remote workers or collocated workspace. To embrace this change in the workplace, it is vital for the workforce to equip themselves with a new set of skills. Therefore, this study will explore the skills requirement for the future workplace to thrive in BANI environment. And also make an effort to direct the Higher Educational Institutions in imparting those Skills.

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