Students Attitude towards Environmental Sustainability

  • M Akash II MBA, School of management Dwaraka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Behavior, Students, Attitude, Green Purchasing, Pollution, Contamination, Pro-Environmental Behavior


A study was conducted to assess students’ attitudes towards environmental sustainability. In this study, I looked at students’ perceptions of clean environments, which included pro-environmental behavior toward environmental sustainability, attitude toward environmental sustainability, perceived behavioural control, environmental knowledge, green purchase intention, perceived consumer effectiveness, and their perceptions of environmental safety. Data was collected from 325 respondents from across India (Pan India). It is a comprehensive study that includes knowledge of environmental sustainability, literature review, objectives, hypothesis testing, research design, data analysis, and interpretation.

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How to Cite
Akash, M. (2024). Students Attitude towards Environmental Sustainability. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(S1-Mar), 32-43.