Cashless Convenience: Exploring Young India’s Satisfaction with Digital Payment

  • Mitali Mohta 1II MBA, School of Management Dwaraka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Chinnasamy Agamudai Nambi Malarvizhi Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Keywords: Digital Payments, Customer Satisfaction, Digital India


India has witnessed a remarkable surge in the adoption of digital payments, particularly amongst youngsters. Digital payments involve conducting financial transactions electronically using internet-based platforms. This shift from traditional cash-based transactions to cashless alternatives in India has been driven by various factors, including demonetization, government initiatives like the “Digital India” campaign, the increasing penetration of smartphones and internet connectivity, and the convenience and security offered by digital payment platforms While the benefits of digital payments are undeniable, understanding the level of satisfaction among young users is crucial for ensuring the continued growth and success of this ecosystem. This research delves into the consumer satisfaction of youngsters in India regarding digital payment options. It aims to explore the factors influencing their satisfaction, identify any potential challenges they face, and provide insights into how digital payment providers can further enhance their services to better cater to this demographic.

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How to Cite
Mohta, M., & Nambi Malarvizhi, C. A. (2024). Cashless Convenience: Exploring Young India’s Satisfaction with Digital Payment. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(S1-Mar), 51-58.