A Study on Understanding Word of Mouth Marketing in Online

  • S Rithi Bharrathi II MBA, School of Management Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Word of Mouth Marketing, Online Reviews, Electronic Word-of-Mouth (Ewom), Online Consumer Behaviour, Social Media Marketing, Online Communities, Viral Marketing, Digital Communication, Online Brand Reputation, Consumer-Generated Content, Social Influence, Digital Word of Mouth, Online Word of Mouth Dynamics, Online Customer Feedback, Social Networking Sites


Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) has long been a potent tool for businesses to extend their influence and engage consumers. With the rise of the internet and social media, WOMM has evolved, particularly on digital platforms. This study aims to explore the complexities of WOMM in the digital era, focusing on its mechanisms, impact, and business implications. Social media, review sites, and forums have become key venues for WOMM proliferation, providing consumers with unprecedented avenues to share opinions, recommendations, and grievances about products and services. Understanding WOMM dynamics in these online spaces is crucial for businesses aiming to leverage its potential. Firstly, the study will examine the mechanisms driving WOMM online, investigating psychological factors like social identity, trust, and perceived expertise that influence individuals to share experiences and recommendations. By understanding these mechanisms, businesses can better comprehend why certain messages spread virally. Secondly, the study will analyze WOMM’s impact on consumer behavior and decision-making, highlighting how online reviews and recommendations significantly influence purchasing decisions. Additionally, the study will address the challenges.

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How to Cite
Rithi Bharrathi, S. (2024). A Study on Understanding Word of Mouth Marketing in Online. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(S1-Mar), 65-70. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v11iS1-Mar.8060