Contributions of Startups to the Growth of the Indian Economy: A State Wise Analysis

  • Vishal Sharma A II MBA, School of Management Dwaraka Doss Govardhan Doss Vaishnav College Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Magiswary Dorasamy Associate Professor, Faculty of Management Multimedia University, Malaysia
Keywords: Startups, Indian Economy, Resilience, Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS), Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs), Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS), Government Initiatives, Innovation, Entrepreneurship Strategy


The paper investigates the complex effects of startups on the resilience and growth trajectory of the Indian economy. It explores the ways in which these young, creative businesses are promoting dynamism and adaptation, especially in the face of economic difficulties. The report clarifies government programs that give emerging businesses critical financial support, such as the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) under the Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS). The article intends to reveal the role of startups in driving inclusive economic growth, fostering technological advancements, and creating jobs by analyzing their individual contributions across different sectors. The study also looks into how entrepreneurs are promoting India as an innovation hub and raising the country’s global competitiveness. Policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs will all benefit from this investigation’s insightful findings, which emphasize how important it is to support a strong startup ecosystem in order to have a vibrant Indian economy.

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How to Cite
A, V. S., & Dorasamy, M. (2024). Contributions of Startups to the Growth of the Indian Economy: A State Wise Analysis. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(S1-Mar), 77-86.