A Study on the Effectiveness of Telemarketing in the Banking Industry

  • Rasool Basha Rasool Basha II Year, Department of MBA Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: Telemarketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention, Frequency of Call, Sales and Banking Sector


This study examines the effectiveness of telemarketing in the banking industry, with a focus on identifying the optimal timing and frequency of telemarketing calls for maximizing sales conversion, measuring customer satisfaction with telemarketing calls, determining the impact of telemarketing on customer retention, and identifying factors that influence the success of telemarketing campaigns. To accomplish these objectives, a mixed-methods approach will be used, including surveys, interviews, and data analysis. The study aims to provide insights into how banks can develop more effective telemarketing strategies that generate more revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and increase customer retention. The findings of this study can be used by banks to optimize their telemarketing efforts and enhance their customer relationships.

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How to Cite
Rasool Basha, R. B. (2024). A Study on the Effectiveness of Telemarketing in the Banking Industry. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(S1-Mar), 134-143. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v11iS1-Mar.8101