Scope of Introducing TPACK of Teacher Education Programme in India

  • Kaushik Das Department of Mathematics, Gobardanga Hindu College, Gobardanga, West Bengal, India
  • Swarnali Mittra Gobardanga Hindu College, Gobardanga, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Curriculum, TPACK, Technology, Teacher educators, Pedagogy, Teacher training programme


The present study focused on the scope of introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of a two-year pre-service and in-service teacher education program in India. This paper describes the TPACK awareness among teacher educators. It also emphasizes teachers educators integrate technology into education in the 21st century. The main objective of the study to find out the scope of implementation of TPACK on Teacher training programs & the relationship between technology and pedagogy content. Also, the researcher measures the curriculum and challenges to introducing TPACK and finally gives meaningful suggestions to gain technological skills. The methodology of the study is qualitative and interview methods are applied. The study is a mixed type involving interpretative, analytical study of documents, interview and study both primary & secondary sources, like books, university news, expert opinion, articles, journals, thesis and websites, etc.

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