Realistic Mathematics & Vygotsky’s Theories in Mathematics Education

  • Kaushik Das Department of Mathematics, Gobardanga Hindu College, Gobardanga, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Classroom Teaching, Learning Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Realistic Mathematics Education, Socio-Cultural, Vygotsky's Theories


Mathematics education is not mathematics, it makes a basic use of highly specialized kinds of mathematical knowledge. The modern world feels a crisis of proper mathematics education in any nation. Realistic Mathematics Education is a domain-specific instruction theory for mathematics. This paper introduces realistic mathematics education (RME) and Vygotskian impacts on mathematics education for learning mathematics. This article describes the development of teaching-learning mathematics & learning theories from a socio-cultural perspective. The methodology of the study is based on qualitative type.

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How to Cite
Das, K. (2020). Realistic Mathematics & Vygotsky’s Theories in Mathematics Education. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(1), 104-108.