Remains of Megalithic Culture: Based on Tamil University Museum Evidence
பெருங்கற்காலப் பண்பாட்டுத் தடயங்கள்: (தமிழ்ப் பல்கலைக்கழக அருங்காட்சியகச் சான்றுகளை முன்வைத்து
Archaeologists have defined this period as the Megalithic Age and as they knew the use of iron as the Iron Age because these people built their tombs using large slabs of stone in the Megalithic culture. Megalithic is derived from the Greek word “Mega” means big and “lithic” means stone. Megalithic symbols found in Tamil Nadu are found in different types according to the nature of geography of the respective region. Such cultural symbols have been found in many parts of Tamil Nadu.This article explains about the artifacts that have been discovered, about the Megalithic cultural remains found in the excavations carried out by the Tamil University at Kodumanal, the Graffiti, writing systems, biographical pottery used by the people of that time, the Megalithic cultural artefacts in the Tamil University Museum and its ancient history and biology.
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