Sexuality in Sangam Literature: The Male-Female Relationship Status

சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் பாலியல்: ஆண்-பெண் உறவுநிலை

  • N Murugesapandian
Keywords: Sangam Literature, Sangam Period, Ancient Tamils Life, Social Values, Sexuality, Male-female Relationship


Structured through the two opposites of Akam and Puram, the Sangam literature was designed after the disintegration of the existing matriarchal social system.The structure of the family as depicted in Sangam literature centers on the ethics of sexuality.In Sangam society, sexuality was considered natural. There is no attempt that tends to dismiss it as a crime or lust.Similarly, there is no attempt to centralize sexuality and separate lust from the body into erotic art.The normalization of sex between a man and a woman is found in Sangam literary texts.

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