Methods of Teaching

  • A Preetha 1st year B.Ed. Student, Dr. SNS College of Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Deductive method, Inductive method, Analytical method, Synthetic method and Problem solving method


Teachers use variety of methods and techniques in their classrooms to make their teaching more interactive and operative. Here, the determination of this article is to focus on certain teaching methods like Deductive and Inductive method, Analytical and Synthetic method and Problem Solving method. To develop their interaction with students, an educator uses these methods to make learning beneficial. The teachers only select the most relevant method keeping in view of their topic, contents and needs of the learner. All the methods have their advantages and disadvantages. It has been observed that learners solved many problems rapidly by using a different method to which they have already learnt in the classroom. Inductive and deductive teaching is very important in education. The biggest differences between the two methods are the focus and flow of the information as well as the roles of the teacher and student.

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How to Cite
Preetha, A. (2017). Methods of Teaching. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 6(1), 16-19. Retrieved from