Daydreaming Among B.Ed Girl Students in Theni District

  • C Subbulakshmi Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies Centre, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai


Emotions can be related to goal out comes (Dyer, 1983: wiener, 1982; Abalone, 1981): enerally speaking, a goal success results in a positive emotion while a goal failure results in a negative emotion. In Daydreamer, emotions activate control goals which result in daydreaming. In classroom, if a student is not interested in the subject, they might start daydreaming, because it gives the solution to the temporary problem. After the Daydreaming the  Daydreamer returns to the previous position. Especially the B.Ed. girl students take much interest in the daydreaming. Keeping this in view, the study was attempted to analyze the daydreaming of B.Ed. girl students in Theni district. The methodology adopted in the study was – Design: Descriptive, Method: Normative, and Technique: Survey the sample was 275 B.Ed. girl students in Theni district. The independent variables were Subject, Parent’s Occupation, Economic Status, Residence and Time Passing. The dependent variable of the study was Daydreaming. Parent’s Occupation of the sample involved in the study influenced to a greater extent in the daydreaming of B.Ed. girl students. The educational institutions especially the government should take appropriate steps for conducting life oriented courses, programmes, seminars, conferences etc. to B.Ed. girl students. This type of studies should be undertaken among other districts population. So that a clear understanding of the prevailing conditions of daydreaming among B.Ed girl students will be vivid. These studies, no doubt, will be helpful in all angles for the policy makers, educational administrators and researchers in education.

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How to Cite
Subbulakshmi, C. (2013). Daydreaming Among B.Ed Girl Students in Theni District. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 2(1), 7-11. Retrieved from