Development and Validation of an Attitude Scale towards Teaching

Keywords: Attitude Scale, Prospective Teachers, Teaching, Scale Development


A successful teaching-learning process depends heavily on teaching. Wherein the teaching process greatly benefits from the involvement of prospective teachers. They need to approach the teaching with a positive attitude for the teaching-learning process to be effective. Therefore, a reliable instrument is required for assessing the prospective teachers’ attitudes toward teaching. The study sample was chosen using convenient sampling and snowball sampling techniques due to the challenges and constraints associated with contacting prospective teachers. The study used 818 prospective teachers’ derived scores for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. After the literature review, draft scale items were developed. Field experts assessed the items for face and content validity, and the scale was finalized. Researchers tested the construct validity using EFA. The scale included twenty-eight (28) items with seven sub dimensions, according to the analysis’s findings. Following EFA, eighteen (18) items across seven sub dimensions were kept. Finally, CFA examined the scale, which consisted of 18 items, to create a path diagram. To assess the scale’s reliability, the internal consistency coefficients for Cronbach Alpha were evaluated. The attitude scale is able to measure prospective teachers’ attitudes toward teaching, according to all of these findings. The final scale will be play significant role for measuring attitudes towards teaching for prospective teachers as well as in-service teachers.

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How to Cite
Ray, S., Samaddar, R., Mukherjee, S., & Sikdar, D. P. (2025). Development and Validation of an Attitude Scale towards Teaching. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 13(2), 13-26.