Hotel Employees in Customer Satisfaction – A Study on Luxury Hotels in Bangalore

  • D S Duke Thavamin (Research Scholar), Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Bangalore ( under ministry of Tourism Govt of India ), Near Ms Building and SKSJTI Hostel, SJP Campus, Bangalore
  • R Kannan (Research Supervisor), Associate Professor & Director i/c, Centre for Tourism & Hotel Management, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Luxury Hotels, Bangalore Hotels, Customer satisfaction, Branding, Service quality, Professional Approach


This Study, based on the Luxury Hotels in Bangalore, indicates that the Hospitality & Tourism Industry requires more adequate policies and standards in the Human Resources Management in order to minimize the highest rate attrition prevailing in this sector. Since the Employee satisfaction is directly linked with customer satisfaction, it is very important that Hotel Management gives more focus on to retention of their employees and improve their work culture in order to optimize the productivity and the satisfaction. This study reveals major areas where the hotel employees expressed their dissatisfaction. it is also the fact that all the Luxury Hotels in Bangalore are understaffed. Catering Institutes are not able to support the industry because of many other lucrative job options are available for the Hospitality graduates. It is clear from the study that it is high time now to revamp the Human Resources policies and strategies so as to give importance to employee satisfaction there by retaining their customers with highest satisfaction index.

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How to Cite
Duke Thavamin, D. S., & Kannan, R. (2015). Hotel Employees in Customer Satisfaction – A Study on Luxury Hotels in Bangalore. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 3(2), 47-56. Retrieved from