The Role of Teachers in Reflective Teaching in the Classroom

  • Ganesan Shanmugavelu Senior Lecturer of History, Institute of Teacher Education (Ipoh Campus), Malaysia
  • Balakrishnan Parasuraman Professor of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Rajoo Arokiasamy Former Senior Lecturer of Education, Institute of Teacher Education, Penang, Malaysia
  • Baskaran Kannan Senior Lecturer of Education, Institute of Teacher Education (Ipoh Campus), Malaysia
  • Manimaran Vadivelu Senior Lecturer of Science, Institute of Teacher Education (Ipoh Campus), Malaysia
Keywords: Role, Teacher, Reflective, Thinking, Teaching, Classroom


The aim of this study is to discuss the role of teachers in reflective teaching. The scope of this study is focused on explanations of reflective teaching from three experts. Reflective teaching is a holistic thought that enables a teacher to make choices and take alternative actions and allows teachers to think to improve teaching and learning decisions in the classroom. This study also discusses critical situations that can be created for good reflection practices such as strong support from the administration, reflection opportunities, collaboration with colleagues, storage of teaching portfolios and reflective writing, or journal writing. Reflective teaching also faces several constraints, such as time constraints, school culture, and assessment problems.

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How to Cite
Shanmugavelu, G., Parasuraman, B., Arokiasamy, R., Kannan, B., & Vadivelu, M. (2020). The Role of Teachers in Reflective Teaching in the Classroom. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(3), 30-33.