Creativity of Upper Primary School Students

  • P Ponnusamy Assistant Professor, Department of Education (SDE), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: Creativity, Seeing Problem, Unusual Use, Consequence and Upper Primary school


The main objective of the study was to study the creativity of students at upper primary level. The study consisted of 64 upper primary school students from Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu State as the sample. Passi test of Creativity was used as the research tool of the study. Statistical techniques – mean, SD and ‘t’ test were used for analyzing the collected data. The main finding of the study shows that the creativity of the selected upper primary school students is in average level.

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How to Cite
Ponnusamy, P. (2014). Creativity of Upper Primary School Students. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 2(2), 19-22. Retrieved from