Examination of Sports Sciences Faculty Student’s Competence in Sports Levels and Self-Efficacy in Sports According to Various Variables

Keywords: Competence in Sport, Self-efficacy, Sports Science Faculty, Student


Current study aimed to examine Erzurum Technical University Faculty of Sport Sciences students’ sports competence levels and self-efficacy levels according to various variables. A total of 116 students, fifty four female, and sixty two male, participated in the study, in which the quantitative research model was used. In the first part, the Personal Information Form was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants, the second part used the Self-Efficacy Attitude Scale, and the third part used the Competence in Sports Scale. Frequency analysis, kurtosis, skewness test, One-Way ANOVA analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis were used in the research. A positive and moderately significant relationship was found between the Self-Efficacy Attitude Scale and the Competence in Sports Scale. According to gender, it was determined that male students’ competence in sports was significantly higher than female students’ sports competence. According to the branch variable, it was determined that the self-efficacy status of the students who do individual sports is significantly higher than the self-efficacy status of the students who do team sports and who do not have a branch. In addition, according to the age variable, no significant relationship was found between the competence status of the students in sports and their self-efficacy attitudes. As a result, it can be said that male students have higher proficiency in sports than female students, and they feel more competent. It has been determined that the self-efficacy attitudes of the students who do individual sports are higher than those who do team sports.

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How to Cite
Turan, M., Çağatay Savaş, B., & Karababa, B. (2022). Examination of Sports Sciences Faculty Student’s Competence in Sports Levels and Self-Efficacy in Sports According to Various Variables. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(1), 47-56. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v11i1.4949