Personal Effectiveness among Academic and Non-Academic Staff Members

  • Murugan KK Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Gandhigram Rural Institute (DU), Gandhigram
Keywords: Adaptive Behavior, Emotional Quotient (EQ), Academic & Non academic staff


The concept of self is a combination of various factors which include physical, mental, emotional and social factors etc. As the matter of factor, an individual needs adaptive skills in day to day life for successful survival otherwise things differ. Today context, intelligence comes next to the emotional intelligence of a person as Danial Goleman proposes a combination of emotional aspects and its merits, obviously every one of us to enhance it. As part of the study, adaptive skills were tested in an education institution among staff which was a main aim of the investigation under the theoretical frame work of emotional intelligence. The study promotes an individual employ to self improvement in terms of personal effectiveness.

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How to Cite
KK, M. (2018). Personal Effectiveness among Academic and Non-Academic Staff Members. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 6(4), 9-12. Retrieved from