Digital Leisure: Transformation of Leisure Activities

Keywords: Digital Leisure, Leisure Time, Digital Tools, Technology


In this study, the aim is to elucidate the relationship between digital technologies and the concept of leisure time. Digital leisure time can be defined as the time spent by individuals using digital tools and platforms for entertainment, recreation, acquiring knowledge, communication, socialization, and escaping from a negative mood state during their free time. It is anticipated that this research will provide a foundation for researchers working on digital leisure time to engage in innovative studies that integrate different disciplines and theories. Furthermore, through the development of a measurement tool incorporating different information paradigms and diverse samples, the concept of digital leisure time will progress towards becoming a distinct field of study.

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How to Cite
Tutar, Ömer F., & Turhan, F. H. (2023). Digital Leisure: Transformation of Leisure Activities. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-Oct), 16-28.