Complete Man Through Value Education: The Need of the Hour

  • S Udhayakumar Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature School of English and Foreign Languages Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Education is the only tool to create this world as a paradise. If the tool is good, the society will also be good. So, the tool should be enriched with moral values. A good society is nothing but a society with values. The purpose of education is to cook a valuable society. Though we need knowledge, values should be the first and prime need. To impart values, Gandhian philosophay of education should be implemented. Gandhian philosophy aims at spirituality by practicing life oriented education and it advocates for self reliability with the learning of craft education. This paper analyses why this society needs values and suggests various means to acquire values. It stresses the need for a Complete Man, not only for a family and country but for this world also. The concept of Complete Man pleads for patriotism, self reliability, mother tongue medium of education, basic law and minimum medical wisdom for a fearless and healthy living. The complete man is a fore runner for world peace representing positively his nation for this cause. We need global peace which can be attained through education and this paper paves way for global peace through education.

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How to Cite
Udhayakumar, S. (2018). Complete Man Through Value Education: The Need of the Hour. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 6(2), 5-12. Retrieved from