The Effects of School Culture on Students Academic Achievements

  • Adem Bayar Associate Professor, Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey
  • Hürriyet Alkan Karaduman Teacher, Ministry of National Education, Samsun, Turkey,
Keywords: Culture, School culture, Student, Academic achievement, Strong culture, Positive effect


The purpose of this research is to make a detailed examination of the school culture and its effects on the academic achievement of students. In this research that has been carried out within the framework of the qualitative research approach, the answers have been sought to be found to the questions “What is school culture?”, “What are the effects of school culture on academic achievement?” and “What should be done at school to create a strong and positive culture?”. The study group of this research consists of 12 students determined using a maximum variation sampling technique which is one of the purposeful sampling techniques and studying at a high school within the scope of the Ministry of National Education. Data were collected by a semistructured interview method. The data collected were analyzed by a descriptive analysis technique. The participant students have expressed that the school culture means the behaviors at school, the background and successes of school, circle of friends, school uniforms and social activities.

 Moreover, the students have stated that the school culture has effects on the achievement of students in terms of motivation (will to study), sense of competition and their development in all respects. Lastly, the participants have offered some suggestions like the number of social activities should be increased; laboratories should be used actively and improvements should be made at the library in terms of number and contents of books; relations, attitudes and behaviors between teachers and students should be regulated and school trips should be organized concerning the creation of a strong and positive culture at school. In line with the findings, the researchers have concluded that school culture has a positive and strong effect on the academic achievement of students. Therefore, suggestions that would improve the school culture should be put into practice.

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How to Cite
Bayar, A., & Alkan Karaduman, H. (2021). The Effects of School Culture on Students Academic Achievements. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(3), 99-109.