Great Indian Educators

  • S Jeeva Christy B.T. Assistant T.P.N.M (G) Higher Secondary School Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India


While the ancient Indian System of education and the Buddhist system provided for women’s education, the uslim institutions admitted very few girls. Generally in rich families individual tutors were engaged to teach girls with full observance of the rule of purdah. Let us illustrate the great Indian educator in general. The need of the teacher is emphasized. Kautilya gives some new information regarding the training to be given to a child before he is old enough to be admitted to formal studentship. Kautilya is primarily concerned with the education of the prince belonging to the ruling Kshatriya caste.1

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How to Cite
Jeeva Christy, S. (2018). Great Indian Educators. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 6(2), 36-41. Retrieved from