A New Approach of Blended Learning

  • R Sanjeev B.Com CA., M.Com CA., I Year B.Ed Students, Dr. SNS College of Education Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Pragathi B.Sc Maths, B.Ed., I Year B.Ed Students Dr. SNS College of Education Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Learner and learning ability is the greatest gift of god to mankind. Nothing exists in the cosmos or above the cosmos escaping the arena of learning. Using different innate, man-made tech-enabled and mysterious skilled strategies and “Blended learning” is the recent hybrid birth that as prepared in the learning track. This article attempts to explain three model of blended learning briefly explaining its nature, need and its winning edge over the other competing strategies

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How to Cite
Sanjeev, R., & Pragathi, R. (2017). A New Approach of Blended Learning. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 6(1), 73-76. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2676