A Study on the Rural Education and Rural Development in India

  • S Govindarajan Sri Vijay Vidyalaya College of Arts & Science, Dharmapuri
Keywords: Government School, Quality of Education, Dedicated Teachers, Rural Development


Dominant part of India still lives in towns thus the point of rural education in India is of most extreme significance. A review named called the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), demonstrates that the number of rural students going to schools is rising, yet the greater part of the students in fifth grade can't peruse a second-grade reading material and are not ready to take care of basic scientific issues. Not just this, the dimension of maths and perusing is further declining. Although endeavours are made, they are not the correct way. The reason referred to for this issue in reviews is the expanding number of single classrooms to teach students from more than one review. A few states participation of educators and students is additionally declining. These are a couple of reasons why schools have neglected to teach rural India. Quality and access to education is the real worry in rural schools as there are less dedicated instructors, absence of appropriate course readings and learning material in the schools. Although Government schools exist, however, when contrasted with tuitionbased schools then quality is a noteworthy issue. Greater part of individuals living in towns have comprehended the significance of education and realize that it is the best way to dispose of neediness. In any case, because of absence of cash, they are not ready to send their kids to tuition-based schools and thus rely on government schools for education. Above that, in some of the government schools there is only one teacher for the entire school and if they don’t show up at work, then it is a holiday. On the off chance that the quality alongside number of instructors and, that too dedicated educators can be enhancing in these schools, at that point yearning rural youngsters and India can satisfy their fantasies of doing something great. Hence, the present study has been conducted with the aim of giving outline about rural education and rural development in India.

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How to Cite
Govindarajan, S. (2017). A Study on the Rural Education and Rural Development in India. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 6(1), 106-114. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2683