Self Concept of Higher Secondary Students

  • S Anantha Babu *Ph.D. Scholar, M.S. University, Tirunelveli **Assistant Professor of Education (DDE), Alagappa University, Karaikudi
  • K Krishnamoorthy *Ph.D. Scholar, M.S. University, Tirunelveli **Assistant Professor of Education (DDE), Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Keywords: Self Concept, Higher Secondary Students.


The main aim of the study was to find out the significant difference between self concept of higher secondary students. Survey method was adopted for this study. The sample consists of 1014 higher secondary students (XI and XII standard) in and around Tirunelveli district. Simple Random Sampling Technique was used. Self concept Scale (SCS) standardized tool developed by the investigator was used to collect the data. The statistical technique used was mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test. The findings of the study were: i) there was no significant difference between male and female higher secondary students in their self-regard, interpersonal relationships, impulse control, problem solving, emotional self-awareness, flexibility, reality testing, stress tolerance, empathy and emotional intelligence. ii) There  was no significant difference between Tamil medium and English medium higher secondary students in their self-regard, interpersonal relationships, impulse control, problem solving, emotional self-awareness, flexibility, reality testing, stress tolerance, empathy and emotional intelligence. The educational implications and suggestions for further study are also given as per the findings of the study.

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How to Cite
Anantha Babu, S., & Krishnamoorthy, K. (2016). Self Concept of Higher Secondary Students. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 4(3), 1-5. Retrieved from