Attitude Towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction Among B.ED Trainees with Respect to Their Parental Income and Educational Qualification

  • T Jeyalatha Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, CDE, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
  • K Anandan Professor and Head, Department of Education, CDE, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli


The present study intended to find out the level of Attitude towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction among B.Ed Trainees with respect to their Parental Income and Educational Qualification. This study belongs to Survey Method. The size of the sample in the study was 200 B.Ed Trainees who were selected through Random Sampling Technique. The investigators themselves developed the tool, ‘Attitude towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction’. The Statistical techniques used in this study were Mean, Standard deviation, ‘t’ test and F test to analyse the data. The major findings of the study were i) The level of Attitude towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction among B.Ed Trainees with respect to their Parental Income and educational Qualification is high. ii) Male and Female B.Ed Trainees are having similar level of Attitude towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction. iii) There is no significant difference in the level of Attitude towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction among B.Ed Trainees with respect to their Parental Income. The level of Parental Income does not influence the level of utilization of Internet among B.Ed. Trainees.

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How to Cite
Jeyalatha, T., & Anandan, K. (2015). Attitude Towards Utilizing Internet in Classroom Instruction Among B.ED Trainees with Respect to Their Parental Income and Educational Qualification. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 3(4), 34-40. Retrieved from