Scientific Literacy Among Fisherfolk in Ramanathapuram Coastal Area

  • A Sivakumar M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai


Fishing is probably the most dangerous occupation in the world. The people affected by accidents at sea are often among the poorest in society. In 2006, FAO launched a “Project Global Safety at Sea” for small-scale fisheries in developing countries. Its overall objective is to improve the livelihoods of small-scale fishing communities by decreasing the number of accidents at sea and their effects. In order to avoid these natural catastrophes and adopt suitable measures to prevent them, there arises the need for scientific literacy among the fisher folk. The investigator He studied about different stages of fishing activities, and fishing practices. He has observed that the fishing people have very poor scientific literacy regarding fishing. Even though they have deep knowledge in fishing practices, processing and technology. It was gained by real experience in this field. But they don’t known about the scientific principles involved in the process of fishing.

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How to Cite
Sivakumar, A. (2015). Scientific Literacy Among Fisherfolk in Ramanathapuram Coastal Area. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 3(2), 28-32. Retrieved from