Transforming Teacher Education in India: Ten New Roles for Departments of Education in Universities

  • Pradeep Kumar Misra Professor, Department of Education, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Teacher Education, Departments of Education, Universities, Roles, India, Teacher Educators


The Departments of Education in Universities mainly focus on running pre-service and in-service teacher education programs and facilitating educationally relevant researches. Upcoming the National Education Policy of India expects from the Departments of Education in Universities to play a significant role in transforming teacher education. To fulfill, l this mandate, Departments of Education are expected to look beyond their routine activities and envision new roles for moving their boundaries. Extending this argument, the present paper suggests ten new roles for consideration of the Departments of Education. The suggested roles are: (i) offer professional development support to teacher educators, (ii) run academic clubs for teacher educators to share and connect, (iii) help teacher educators to become a good researcher, (iv) promote ICT usage among teacher educators, (v) compile and use best practices in teacher preparation, (vi) cultivate University-School partnerships, (vii) initiate teacher-trainee exchange programs, (viii) start Diploma programs to train School Principals/Leaders, (ix) conduct more researches on teacher education issues, and (xi) hold hands of beginning teachers.

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How to Cite
Kumar Misra, P. (2020). Transforming Teacher Education in India: Ten New Roles for Departments of Education in Universities. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(3), 84-88.