Content Analysis of Teaching Competency in CBSE Textbooks in Mathematics of VI Standard

  • G Manimozhi Department of Education, Research Scholar, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India
  • P Srinivasan Departments of Education, Associate Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India
Keywords: Teaching competency, CBSE Textbook, Content analysis


Educational institutions are more concentrated on preferable measured outcomes rather than theoretical ones. Measuring subject knowledge obtains through written examination is easy, even as skills such as critical and logical thinking, decision making, problem-solving ability, creative thinking are difficult to measure. The education field is mostly based on students and teachers; teachers want to one kind of knowledge is competency, it is important for making the teachers professionally content and teaching competency is the ability to teach efficiently in clearing up the activities, manifesting activities, enjoin maintaining activities, documentation and record-keeping activities, task making activities, curriculum development activities and many kinds of activities. This study is analyzing the teaching competency in school textbooks. The main aim of the study is based on to compare the teaching competency dimensions to 6th standard CBSE mathematics textbook content.

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How to Cite
Manimozhi, G., & Srinivasan, P. (2021). Content Analysis of Teaching Competency in CBSE Textbooks in Mathematics of VI Standard. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(4), 169-177.