The Effect of Using Current News in Science Course on Students’ Perspective on Technological Developments in Science

  • Gulbin Ozkan Asstistant Professor in Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Rabia Gul Graduate student in Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Unsal Umdu Topsakal Professor in Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Science, Education, Scientific news, Student views, Middle school students, Technology


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of using scientific news in science class on the perspective of 7th-grade middle school students against technological developments in science. In this study, a single group pre-test post-test experimental design was used. The research group of this study consists of 46 students studying in a public school in Istanbul. An open-ended questionnaire, in which students’ perspective on science and technology was developed, was used to collect the data. Content analysis was performed on the obtained data. A qualitative data collection tool was used to collect the data, but the frequencies of the responses were calculated and quantitatively converted into tables. As a result of the research, it observed a positive development in the scientific perspective of the students before and after the implementation. It was concluded that the students had the answers in the post-test that technology developed science and society and gained awareness about the importance of technology. In light of the findings, suggestions are presented

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How to Cite
Ozkan, G., Gul, R., & Umdu Topsakal, U. (2021). The Effect of Using Current News in Science Course on Students’ Perspective on Technological Developments in Science. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(4), 217-222.