How do Candidate Science Teachers Solve Environmental Problems?

  • Asiye Berber Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey
Keywords: Candidate teacher, Environmental problems, Science, Solution suggestions


The aim of this study is to determine the views of candidate science teachers about environmental problems and solutions to these problems. One of the qualitative research designs, phenomenology, was used in the research. Data were collected with a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. In the analysis of the research, a descriptive analysis technique was used. The study was carried out with 19 science teacher candidates. When definitions of the environment are examined, it is as “the environment in which living and non-living beings interact, the area where living things live, the artificial environment-natural environment.” Candidate teachers identified air pollution as the most important environmental problem. They stated that environmental problems occur due to production, consumption, both production and consumption and natural reasons. Candidate teachers discussed solution proposals of environmental problems individually, professionally, socially, and administratively. In individual solution proposals, it is recommended to use public transport, to encourage afforestation, to consume resources economically, to reduce the use of perfume-deodorants and fossil fuels, and to raise awareness with experiments, activities, visual and practical solutions under professional solution suggestions. When social solution suggestions are examined, it is stated that to raise awareness; it is necessary to produce visual and artistic activities, meetings, training, and projects, to be engaged in conscious agriculture in managerial solution offers, to use renewable energy sources, to recycle, to build industrial establishments outside of residential areas, to establish treatment facilities, and to install and inspect filters in factory chimneys.

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How to Cite
Berber, A. (2021). How do Candidate Science Teachers Solve Environmental Problems?. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(4), 247-258.