How Higher Secondary School Students Perceive The Neet Examination: A Quantitative Report

  • K Arunkumar Assistant Professor, Vellalar College of Education, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
  • T Malliga Principal, Vellalar College of Education, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: NEET Exam, Attitude, Higher Secondary students


The present study tries to determine the attitude towards the NEET examination among higher secondary school students in Erode District. The survey method is applied for this research study. 350 higher secondary students were selected as a sample by using a stratified random sampling technique. NEET Attitude Scale, which is constructed and standardised by Nithya (2017), was used for this study. This study found that Higher secondary school students studying in Erode district had neither a positive nor negative attitude towards the NEET examination.

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How to Cite
Arunkumar, K., & Malliga, T. (2021). How Higher Secondary School Students Perceive The Neet Examination: A Quantitative Report. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(4), 275-279.