Examining the Digital Nativity Levels of Digital Generations: From Generation X to Generation Z
Adaptation to the digital world is explained by the concept of digital nativity, which includes competencies such as grow up with technology, being comfortable with multitasking, being reliant on graphics for communication, thrive on instant gratifications and rewards. On the other hand, one of the sources of differentiation in digital technologies is the concept of the digital generation (X, Y and Z), which is about the year of birth or age. In this study, the digital nativity levels of digital generations were examined. The participants were 270 people, 90 from each of the X, Y and Z generations. Digital nativity level determination scale was used as a data collection tool. As a result of the research, it was found that the level of digital nativity increases as we move from the X generation to the Z generation. In terms of gender, while males in the X and Y generations have a higher level of digital nativity than females, there was no difference in the Z generation. While having a computer is an important source of differentiation for the X and Y generations, it is not important for the Z generations. Finally, it has been observed that there is a difference in the relationship between digital nativity levels of the X, Y and Z generations and computer self-efficacy, and the duration of computer and internet use.
Copyright (c) 2021 Ahmet Naci Çoklar, Ali Tatli

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