Web 2.0 Applications in the Teaching Process: A Swot Analysis

  • Kevser Arslan PhD Student, Department of Mathematics and Science Education Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Fatma Coştu Department of Mathematics and Science Education Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Technology, Education, Web 2.0 applications, SWOT analysis


This study, it is aimed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the web 2.0 applications used in the teaching process through SWOT analysis and to reveal the opportunities and threats. For this purpose, the study group consists of 20 volunteer teachers working in public and private schools. The teachers benefited from web 2.0 tools in their lessons and could actively use web tools. Online interviews were conducted with the teachers. The data obtained from the interviews were evaluated by using descriptive content analysis. The themes and codes were created by analysing the interview data considering the SWOT analysis and its sub-themes. As a result of the research, it was determined that the strengths of the web 2.0 applications used in the teaching process are making the students active, providing permanence in learning, increasing success and creating a positive effect on the development of many skills. Weaknesses of web 2.0 tools; difficulties in creating the materials, time-consuming use in the course, not allowing everyone’s access, lack of technology and access. Features such as being independent of space and time, creating the desired content, sharing information, using it as a measurement tool, getting quick feedback, and providing a flexible classroom environment are included among the opportunities of web 2.0 tools. It is under the threat of reducing the influence of the teacher, disrupting the dominance of the lesson, removing the subjects from the centre, causing distraction, experiencing internet and access problems, creating technology addiction in students and creating security problems.

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How to Cite
Arslan, K., & Coştu, F. (2021). Web 2.0 Applications in the Teaching Process: A Swot Analysis. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(4), 460-479. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v9i4.4238