An Investigation of University Students’ Quality of Life and Exercise Awareness

Keywords: Quality of life, Exercise, Perception


The aim of this study is to examine university students’ quality of life and perceptions of exercise benefits and barriers according to the variables of department, class, family income, mother’s education and father’s education status. The research was designed in relational screening model. In this context, a total of 162 female university students studying at Gazi University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Coaching, Sports Management and Recreation voluntarily participated in the study. As data collection tools in the research; Personal Information Form, Exercise Benefit/ Barriers Scale and Quality of Life Scale prepared by the researchers were used.In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation test were used. When the findings obtained within the scope of the research were examined, it was determined that there was a significant difference between the participants’ quality of life and exercise awareness levels and demographic variables within the groups. However, when the relationship between the participants’ quality of life and exercise awareness levels was examined, it was determined that there was a positive and significant relationship between quality of life and exercise benefit.

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How to Cite
Çakiroğlu, T. (2021). An Investigation of University Students’ Quality of Life and Exercise Awareness. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(S2-Sep), 59-67.