Experiences of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers on the Use of Mentimeter in Distance Learning

Keywords: Mentimeter, Web 2.0 Tools, Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers


This study addressed the use of Mentimeter, one of the Web 2.0 tools, by junior-level pre-service mathematics teachers, who study at the department of primary mathematics teaching, to maintain the students’ interest in the lesson and to encourage them to participate more easily. Drawing on a case study design, this study further aimed to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using Mentimeter on students in courses. To collect data accordingly, the students participating were asked to write two reflection papers on the use of Mentimeter in the first and last course. This study was carried out on a voluntary basis with the participation of 30 pre-service teachers. This study concluded that the positive opinions of the pre-service teachers positively on the use of Mentimeter included that it increased the motivation towards the course, allowed the students to answer the questions without any hesitation as they were kept anonymous on the screen while answering, and acquired different perspectives as they could read the opinions of their peers; on the other hand, some of the negative opinions emphasized the time-consuming nature of the application, causing delays in the lesson.

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How to Cite
Mersin, N., & Akkaş, E. N. (2022). Experiences of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers on the Use of Mentimeter in Distance Learning. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-Dec), 11-22. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v11iS1-Dec.5105