Needs Analysis for a Web-Based Learning System to Develop Students’ Science Process Skills

Keywords: Needs Analysis,, Science Process Skills, Teacher Needs, Student Needs, Science Education, Web-Based Learning Environments


The aim of this study was to explore the needs for the identification ofdesign elements of a web-based learning system that would help students develop their science process skills (SPS) to be used in science lessons. A descriptive survey method was adopted as the methodology of the study. Survey data was collected from a sample of 36 teachers and 196 middle school students (grades 5 to 8). The results of the study indicated that students had difficulty in learning science subjects. They thought that they could learn the subjects in the science course better with technological and educational support, and various teaching activities. Teachers stated that the web-based education system should meet the following requirements be simple and understandable, be relevant to real/everyday life, be an interactive system, which is rich in content and images, and include various multimedia elements such as simulations, animations, and 3D materials. On the other hand, many students stated that a web-based learning system that will help them learn the subjects in the science course should have course videos (educational videos), test/solved/sample questions, practice exams, accurate and reliable information. In addition, the students stated that this web-based learning system should be simple and understandable, have easy and rich content, be interactive and have a good technical infrastructure. Both teachers and students thought that “observing”, and “experimenting” skills would be improved the most in technology-enhanced learning environments. In addition, teachers stated that the benefits of developing students’ science process skills in real life would be “gaining a scientific perspective on events”, “awareness of the problem(s) around them”, “science literacy”, “enabling the student to access the information himself/herself”, “expanding perspectives on events”, and “able to solve the problems they encounter more easily”.

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How to Cite
Yalçınkaya Önder, E., Zorluoğlu, S., Demirer, V., Özdemir, M., Baturay, M., Timur, S., & Timur, B. (2023). Needs Analysis for a Web-Based Learning System to Develop Students’ Science Process Skills. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-July), 37-53.