An Investigation on the Technological Competency Self- Evaluation Levels of English Language Teachers

  • Kerem Şahin Branch Director, Aksaray Provincial National Education Directorate, Aksaray, Türkiye
  • Tuğba Yanpar Yelken Academician, Faculty of Education, Mersin University, Mersin, Türkiye


This study was conducted to determine the technology competency self-evaluation levels of English Language Teachers and their opinions on the subject. The mixed method, in which qualitative and quantitative research designs were used together, was used in the study. The data of the research was collected using data collection tools including scale and open-ended questions. The research covers English Language Teachers working in Aksaray province in the 2020-2021 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 303 English Language Teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in Aksaray. Teachers’ technology self-efficacy assessment capacities were determined by taking their opinions with the help of Technology Competence Self-Evaluation scale. It was tried to determine teachers’ technology use capacities, the problems they face and solution offers by means of open-ended questions prepared by the researcher. The data gathered was analysed through t-tests and one-way Anova via SPSS programme and the opinions obtained from open-ended questions were analyzed through content analysis. As a result of research, it was found that Technological Competency Self-evaluation Levels of English Language Teachers is high and their self-efficacy does not make a significant difference in terms of professional seniority, teachers’ levels of academic work, going to technology course and using platforms like eTwinning, web 2.0. It was determined that teachers used technology as Education and Training environment, they used it on the purpose of assessment and evaluation at the lowest level, the teachers who have higher professional seniority have much more difficulties. It was also determined that they face the problems such as infrastructure, internet access problems and illiteracy. It was confirmed that teachers should take in-service training courses as a solution.

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How to Cite
Şahin, K., & Yelken, T. Y. (2023). An Investigation on the Technological Competency Self- Evaluation Levels of English Language Teachers. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-Jan), 126-142.