Using a Koppitz Human Draw Test for Guidance in Preschool Period

Keywords: Preschool Education,, Coppitz Draw A Human Test,, Guidance,, Pandemic,, Evaluation


This study is based on the limited number of studies on recognizing and evaluating preschool children; It aims to be a guide for families and teachers regarding the developmental problems and social and emotional maturity levels of children who continue their preschool education online during the pandemic process and to evaluate the results in terms of children and turn them into opportunities. This qualitative study is carried out in a case study pattern using the “Koppitz Draw a Person Test” for 5-year-old preschool children. The Working group consists of children a total of 100 students, 50 girls and 50 boys, attend official and independent kindergartens through distance education in Akdeniz, Mezitli, Toroslar and Yenişehir districts in the center of Mersin, affiliated to the Ministry of National Education (MEB) in the 2020-2021 academic year. Pictures obtained by the “Koppitz Draw a Human Test” were used as data tools. The data were coded and analyzed by the “Koppitz Draw a Human Test.” The data obtained in the study were interpreted in tables according to Koppitz (1968). In the study, the participant children drew the indicators for academic failures as 8%; and 98% of the indicators expressing social and emotional inadequacy and representing at least one or more anxiety states in the child were drawn. In addition, this study determined that children with self-confidence problems, showing emotional weakness, recessive, and lack of motivation develop negative attitudes when faced with obstacles and rules in response to their expectations during the pandemic process.

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How to Cite
Ata, N., & Oğuz-Atıcı, V. (2023). Using a Koppitz Human Draw Test for Guidance in Preschool Period. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-July), 141-154.